Qu'aimez-vous le plus dans votre entreprise ?
What I love most about Bukap is the ability to share authentic experiences with travelers and connect them to the heart of our culture and surroundings. Watching people’s eyes light up as they explore something new and unexpected is deeply fulfilling. It’s also amazing to see how our tours create moments of joy that stay with our customers long after their trip ends.
Parlez-nous de votre équipe (comment vous l'avez constituée et ce que vous aimez le plus) !
Bukap is a family-rooted business that thrives on trust, passion, and a shared commitment to excellence. While it started as a small endeavour, each team member has been chosen for their dedication to creating memorable customer experiences. What I love most about the team is their energy and enthusiasm. Everyone truly believes in what we do, and that passion shines through in every tour.

Quel a été votre plus grand défi et comment l'avez-vous surmonté ?
Our biggest challenge has been maintaining high-quality experiences while scaling the business to meet growing demand. With limited resources, especially during the early stages, it was hard to balance quality and growth. We’ve overcome this by focusing on what we do best, ensuring our customers are at the center of everything. Listening to feedback and leveraging tools like TripAdvisor to reach more customers while refining our services has been key.
Comment Tab a-t-il aidé votre entreprise ? À quoi ressemblait votre vie avant d'utiliser Tab et qu'est-ce qui a changé depuis ?
Tab has been a game-changer for Bukap. Before using it, managing payments was a logistical headache, dealing with currency exchanges, high commission fees, and ensuring everything balanced out was time-consuming. With Tab, payment processing has become seamless, saving us hours of manual work each week and allowing us to focus more on curating exceptional tours. It’s simplified transactions and improved the overall customer experience.

Quelle est votre fonction préférée sur le site Tab ? Pourquoi ?
The seamless integration of multi-currency payments is my favorite feature. Travelers from all over the world feel comfortable booking with us, knowing they can pay in their own currency without hassle. It’s removed barriers for international customers and opened up opportunities for us to expand our reach globally.